Our Mission
We strive to develop the “whole child” so that the children are fully blossoming physically, emotionally, intellectually, mentally, and spiritually. We endeavor to create a safe, pleasant and enriching experience for children to play, explore, grow and learn. We believe that each child is unique, and the unleashed potential can be stimulated and nurtured by caring educational professionals. An atmosphere that promotes a sense of belonging, mutual affection, respect and trust is the nurturing ground for our little explorers growing into their full potentials.
Explore & Grow
Love is the key to our success.
Blue Spring Academy is proud to provide quality care and education for your children aged 6 weeks to six years. Open from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, we can accommodate your needs for full time childcare, or for as little as two days a week. We are here year-round with the exception of major holidays, the week of Labor Day and the week between Christmas and New Year’s Day.

Blue Spring Academy is striving to maintain and grew reputation in our love and care for children. We are also excited to pronounce our new ownership and management in 2023. Our new management team brings in a brand-new set of curricula that encourage the children to explore through all major topics including science, technology, engineering, art, and math, an enriched STEM focus with the new spirit of Art. This is our STEAM challenge to nurture our future talents.

We are an equal opportunity child care provider, admitting children on a first come, first served basis. Full time enrollment receives priority. Children with special needs will be accommodated whenever reasonably possible. Our dedicated staff regularly receives professional development in early education. All staff members are also trained in infant and child CPR, first aid and fire safety. Qualified staff members receive sponsorship to further their education. The success and growth of our teachers benefit all the children in our center.
Steam Curriclum
The future is built from today. For the greatest benefits of all children and human beings, our curriculum challenges all educators and families to foster the young generation to sustain tremendous technological and scientific break-through and embrace the exquisite artistic mind at the same time. Our future talents shall always be the master of science and technology.

Our STEAM Challenge curriculum expands over all five major categories, science, technology, engineering, art, and math, and infuses them together to create hundreds of hands on and engaging activities and games covering seasonal, cultural, historical, social, and many other topics we encounter every day. We strive to facilitate the precious aptitude of each child and help our children to grow into wholesome, independent, and happy citizens.
For the safety and health of all children in our center, we appreciate that our families follow all our policies. Blue Spring Academy reserves the right to revise policies as needed.
  • Drop-Off & Pick Up Policy
    When you place your child in our care, you must plan on sick days. A child should not be brought to our center if he feels too sick to participate. We reserve the right to deny admittance to your child in this case. We realize that unpredictable sick days make life complicated for everyone, but even a healthy child gets sick now and then and cannot be around other children. The best approach is to have an alternate child care plan available for sick days. If your child is vomiting or has diarrhea or fever, he should be kept home. Of course, children with contagious conditions such as chicken pox or conjunctivitis (pink eye) must also be kept home until they are no longer contagious. We would appreciate a phone call if your child will be absent.

    Should any of these conditions develop during the day, you will be asked to pick up your child and bring him home. If you cannot pick him up in a timely manner, or if we cannot reach you, we will call someone from your emergency contact list. Your child may return to care when all symptoms have resolved and diet, sleep and activity level have returned to normal.

    We reserve the right to ask for a doctor’s note if there are any concerns about contagion. Please understand that strict enforcement of this policy is for the protection of your child.
  • Sick Policy
    You must bring your child inside the building and wait until one of our staff has greeted both of you. You may stay as long as you wish until you and your child both feel comfortable about saying good-bye, but please remember that prolonging good-bye is usually not a good idea. You know your child best and will be able to use your own judgment. Some tears are expected, especially if this is a new experience. Though it is hard to believe, tears usually stop a short time after Mommy and Daddy leave.

    You must come inside to pick up your child. A daily report will be given to you at this time. This gives you a summary of your child’s day. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. Please notify us in writing, in advance, if someone other than those listed at registration will be picking up your child. If no notice is given, your child will not be released to anyone else.
  • Medication Policy
    Any medicine that must be administered to a child while he is in our care must be brought in the original container with the label intact. A medicine chart must be signed and filled out with all the information requested. The medicine will be stored in the appropriate container. Be sure your child’s name is on the medication. It is also important to let a staff member know that your child is signed up for medicine.
  • Tuition Policy
    Tuition is paid on a weekly basis and is due the Monday of the actual week being serviced. Please remember that your tuition will be charged even if your child is absent from the school due to sickness or other reasons.

    Each child is entitled to a two (2) week vacation periods each year. There will be no charge for those weeks.
  • Late Pick Up Policy
    Blue Spring Academy closes promptly at 6:00 PM daily. Parents/Guardians must arrive at the School, pick up their child, collect all the child’s belongings and exit the building by 6:00 PM sharp. If you should have an unexpected emergency and will be unable to pick your child up by 6:00 PM, you must call the School in advance. A teacher will remain with your child until you arrive; however, a late fee of $1.00 per minute after 6:00 PM will be charged for late pick-ups/departures.
  • More Infromation
    For more details, please visit our Family Handbook.
    For safety practices in response to COVID-19, please refer to our COVID-19 policy.
Contact Us
Feel free to write and call us. We really love to communicate with our clients.
5417 N 5th St,
Philadelphia, PA, 19120
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